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How do I create an article block?
How do I create an article block?

Before publishing a newsletter, the space reserved for articles must be provided.

Benjamin Carro avatar
Écrit par Benjamin Carro
Updated over a week ago

What is an article block?

Article blocks are spaces reserved for articles in a newsletter. In order for our editorialization system to understand that spaces are reserved for articles in a newsletter, they must be specified in the template.

For the creation of the template, it is therefore important to plan which metadata to display for the articles (titles, description, image, category, etc.).

Good to know:

As the Mediego dashboard is linked to RSS feeds, when an article block is built it is automatically filled with an article present in the feed. This feature allows you to have a preview. To edit the articles and thus add the right content to your newsletter, go to the "Editorial" tab.

How do I create an article block in the Mediego template editor?

  1. Go to the "Template" tab of the newsletter

In this example, there are already two material blocks. We will redo the second one, it is composed of the largest number of metadata (images, title, description).

2. In "Elements", choose the structure that will make up the article and then drag and drop the block directly into the newsletter (to reproduce the second article, we will choose the block "One column, one column with two rows").

3. For each of the blocks, select the content type. For this example, we will choose :

  • Image (left column)

  • Title (top right column)

  • Text (bottom right column)

4. For each of the elements (image, title, paragraph), you can change the settings to meet your graphic needs (e.g. text colour, margins, image and text size).

5. Move your cursor over one of the blocks (it should be highlighted in purple), then click on it to bring up the toolbar.

6. Click in the selection box, then select the other blocks making up the article (in this case: image and paragraph).
Finally, click on the "Create an article" button in the action bar at the bottom of the screen.

The article slot is created and the block is automatically filled with data from your RSS feed, this article will be available for editorialization.

Repeat the operation as many times as there are articles in the newsletter.
Alternatively, you can also save this block in your library of custom blocks, to reuse it quickly and easily.

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