Understanding statistics

Explanations of newsletter performance statistics on the dashboard!

Benjamin Carro avatar
Écrit par Benjamin Carro
Updated over a week ago

This is the number of newsletters sent during the selected period. The graph below shows the number of newsletters sent per day.


For the opening statistics, first you can see the opening rate and the total number of openings over the selected period.

Calculation formula for the opening rate: (Number of openings / number of emails sent) * 100

Then, the graph allows to identify the different variations of the opening rate per day (always over the selected period).


The reactivity rate shows the number of readers who have opened and clicked on a link in the newsletter. Clicks on unsubscription links are not counted in the reactivity calculation.

In addition to knowing the reactivity rate, you will find the total number of clickers and the variations in the reactivity rate per day over the selected period.

Formula for calculating the reactivity rate : (Number of clicks on a link / number of emails opened) * 100


The click rate shows the number of readers who have received the newsletter and clicked on a link. Clicks on unsubscribe links are not counted in the calculation of the click rate.

In addition to knowing the click rate, you will find the total number of articles clicked and the variations in the click rate per day over the selected period.

Formula for calculating the click rate: (Number of clicks / number of emails sent) * 100

In the same section, we provide the number of items clicked per subscriber.

Click distribution

This graph allows you to analyze the performance of the recommendation locations.
1 bin equals 1 material.
Thus, in the example below, we can see that slot 1 which corresponds to the An editorialized newsletter is much less clicked by readers than articles 2 to 7.

Distribution of openings by time of day

This graph allows you to know the times when your newsletters are consumed. Thus, you will find the total number of openings hour by hour according to the selected period.

Distribution of subscribers according to the number of page views in the last 30 days. We distinguish 4 types of subscriber profiles:

  • 10+: this is the number of subscribers who have visited 10 or more pages on your website or mobile application in the last 30 days.

  • 3-9: this is the number of subscribers who have visited between 3 and 9 pages on your website or mobile application in the last 30 days.

  • 1-2: this is the number of subscribers who have visited between 1 and 2 pages on your website or mobile application in the last 30 days.

  • 0: this is the number of subscribers who have not visited any pages on your website or the mobile application in the last 30 days

A reader who has seen 10 pages or more has a very complete profile, which facilitates and improves the quality of the personalized recommendations proposed by our systems.

You can therefore know (over the selected period) the evolution of your subscribers' profiles.

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