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Knowledge base for the use of variables in a newsletter
Knowledge base for the use of variables in a newsletter

Variables are often necessary for the construction of a fully automated newsletter.

Benjamin Carro avatar
Écrit par Benjamin Carro
Updated over a week ago

It is possible to add/configure variables in two places depending on the progress in the construction of a newsletter, namely :

  • in the "Template" tab

  • in the "Variables" tab

What are the variables in the newsletter for?

Variables are essential to add content dynamically such as text, images, HTML, etc. at predefined locations in the template.

In the "Template" tab of the dashboard, we distinguish :

  • the global variables

  • item variables

  • editorial variables

In the "Variables" tab of the dashboard, only the edito variables are configurable (we will then see why).

These variables will therefore allow you to include in your newsletters messages to your subscribers and to edit them as often as you wish.

In other words, they allow you to go further in the configuration of the template and automatically display certain data that would otherwise be inaccessible.

Overview of the three types of variables

Global variables

In the Mediego template editor, global variables are all variables that are not linked to an article such as : 

  • Day (no.)

  • Day of the week

  • Day of the week (capitalized)

  • Month (No.)

  • Month

  • Month (capitalized)

  • Year

  • mirrorLink (e.g. open the newsletter in the web browser)

  • unsubscribeLink (as its name suggests, to add the unsubscribe link linked to each submission)

Article variables

As you may have already noticed, the choice of variables depends on the metadata filled in the article flow. That is to say, the more complete your feed is, the more variable choices you will have.

To access the articles variables, you must select an article block, otherwise this tab will not be present in the text editor.

⚠️ Attention :
If you modify a feed that is used to send newsletters, check that the metadata used in the template is still available in the feed and named correctly.

The editorial variables

It is also possible to use a variable with a design fixed in the template and which will be filled manually in the variable tab after editing. 

This way, you are in control of adding content independently of the data filled in the feeds.

This feature can be useful in the case of e.g. adding an "Editorial" built by journalists, it allows to fill in the variable provided in the newsletter, without having to modify the template.

The reason for being

The variable system proposed in the dashboard has been constructed to :

  • give a maximum of possibilities to modify, complete the content of a newsletter

  • allow users who do not have access to the template to add content without worrying about the form

Please Note

For information, you can insert variables without going through the text editor, to do this you will have to use mustache language.

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